Congratulations! A new baby is at home. Good job Mom! You are a real hero!
Now, when all the euphoria is slowly going down, it's time to take care of yourself. We know, there will be not much time for you, now it's all about the baby, but the baby will need you, so take care of yourself.
We'll introduce you to some very useful tricks.

Mashallah, you needed a lot of energy to carry on cesarean delivery. It's perfectly normal to feel tired. Old good advice is to sleep when the baby is sleeping. Use as many opportunities to rest as many you have.
Your body needs to rest.
It's advice from doctors not to lift anything heavy in the first two weeks.
The first two weeks should include minimum walking, not going upstairs. These weeks are important for recovery and scarce recovery. It is a suggestion to eat healthy and balanced food because it will not just give good nutrition to the baby, but also help to recover.

Always check first with the doctor!
Every woman is having her own process of recovery, so it's always good to have permission from a doctor. The recommendation is to start after 6-8 weeks. Exercises need to be special for after c-section.

Pelvic floor exercises
These exercises help to strengthen the muscles that support your womb, bowels, and bladder. This may help you manage any problems with leaking urine.
Abdominal exercises - breathing exercises
These exercises will help to strengthen the muscles in your abdomen (tummy area). This will help you to protect your spine and have good posture.
Once you have recovered from your c-section and no longer have any pain, it’s usually safe to start low-impact exercises, such as swimming, pilates, yoga, gentle jogging, and low-resistance gym work.
Wait for at least 12 weeks before starting any high-impact exercises, such as aerobics, running, and resistance or weight training. Hormones can affect your joints for about 6 months after the birth so start off gently.
